Monday, February 6, 2012

Bucket Bandits

My boys have gotten lots of extra bonding time with us lately. Between a nasty viral cold that knocked 3/4 of us out cold (and dehydrated me to the point of needing IV fluids...) and at least one round of the stomach flue, we have been under the weather for four long weeks meaning time out of school and daycare spent with Jack and me at the office. In that time, we've also hauled our family across the state to celebrate my brother Adam's birthday and attempted a family getaway that ended in hotel room puke (the worst kind!) and an exhausting trip home. Just when I thought we were on the mend, we caught another wave last night. So here's my attempt at making light of a pretty sucky ordeal.

Bucket Bandits

The following bandits will be held in captivity until further notice, or until the house stops smelling like a frat house.

Bandit #1

Crimes Committed: late night supper regurgitation, paste-color complexion, waking his parents

Evidence: physical evidence was found in a trail leading from his bed into the bathroom where suspect was found hunched over the toilet.

Noteworthy: suspect appear to be disoriented in that when he finished on the toilet, he looked up at his sleepy mother with a big grin.

Bandit #2

Crimes Committed: guilt by association, the desire of his mother not to pass brother's sickness through one child to others at daycare, gunk in eyes, poop in pants.

Prisoner has not stopped talking since he woke up this morning. He needed constant supervision throughout the day to assure he was busy, fed and clean. A high maintenance individual who seemed to embrace the discomfort of his brother by running and talking twice as much as normal. You cannot leave him alone for more than 90 seconds, but he appears to be temporarily distracted by Disney movies, or horses.

In all seriousness, we are so ready to be healthy again. It sure would be nice to work a full week without kiddos at the office so I can attempt to catch up.

Tonight will dictate the events of tomorrow, but I'm almost certain Gage will not be going to preschool. He was still pretty droopy tonight, but a 3 1/2 hour nap this afternoon definitely helped. No puke since early this morning, but I'm not holding my breath that it will last. Max will likely be at daycare tomorrow. The house has once again been disinfected today. In the words of Gage "we're doing the best we can."

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Mrs. A, I love your sense of humor. You're an inspiration :D
